Selected publications
The Pediatric OCD Treatment Study (2004). Cognitive-behavior therapy, sertraline, and their combination for children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The Pediatric OCD Treatment Study (2004). Cognitive-behavior therapy, sertraline, and their combination for children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder. JAMA, 292(16), 1969-1976. Roles in study: Co-investigator at Brown site, acquisition of data, and revision of manuscript.
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Young Children with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Freeman, J.B., Choate-Summers, M.L., Moore, P.M., Garcia, A. M. Sapyta, J.J. Leonard, H.L., Franklin, M.E. (2007). Cognitive behavioral treatment for young children with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 61, 337-343.
Clinical Considerations when Tailoring Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Young Children with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Choate-Summers, M., Freeman, J., Garcia, A., Coyne, L., Przeworski, A., & Leonard, H. (2008). Clinical considerations when tailoring cognitive behavioral treatment for young children with obsessive compulsive disorder. Education and Treatment of Children, 31, 395-416.
Preliminary Findings from a Family-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Approach
Freeman, J.F., Garcia, A.M., Coyne, L.W, Ale, C., Przeworski, A., Himle, M., Compton, S., Leonard, H.L. (2008). Early childhood OCD: Preliminary findings from a family-based cognitive-behavioral approach, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 47, 593-602.
Phenomenology of Early Onset Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Garcia, A.M., Freeman, J.B., Himle,. M., Berman, N.C., Ogata, A.K., Ng, J.S., Choate-Summers, M., Leonard, H.L. (2009). Phenomenology of early onset obsessive compulsive disorder, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 31 (2), 104-111.
The Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment Study II: Rationale, Design and Methods
Freeman, J. Choate-Summers, M., Garcia, A., Moore, P., Sapayta, J., Khanna, M., March, J., Foa, E., Franklin, M. (2009). The Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment Study II: Rationale, Design and Methods. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 3(1):4.
Predictors of Treatment Outcome in the Pediatric OCD Treatment Study
Garcia, A.M., Sapyta, J., Moore, P.S., Freeman, J., Franklin, M., March, J.S., Foa, E.B. (2010). Predictors of treatment outcome in the Pediatric OCD Treatment Study, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 49(10), 1024-1033.
Examining the Psychometric Properties of the Family Accommodation Scale-Parent-Report (FAS-PR)
Flessner, C.A., Sapyta, J., Garcia, A., Freeman, J.B., Franklin, M.E., Foa, E., & March, J. (2011). Examining the Psychometric Properties of the Family Accommodation Scale-Parent-Report (FAS-PR). Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 33, 38-46.
The Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale: Reliability and Validity for Use Among 5 to 8 Year Olds with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Freeman, J.B., Flessner, C.A., Garcia, A.M. (2011). The Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale: Reliability and Validity for Use Among 5 to 8 Year Olds with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39(6), 877-883.
Predictors of Parental Accommodation in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings from the POTS Trial
Flessner, C. A., Freeman, J. B., Sapyta, J., Garcia, A., Franklin, M. E., March, J et al. (2011). Predictors of Parental Accommodation in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings from the Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment Study (POTS) trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 50(7) 716-725.
Still Struggling: Characteristics of Youth with OCD who are Partial Responders to Medication Treatment
Freeman, J.B., Sapyta, J., Garcia, A., Fitzgerald, D., Khanna, M., Choate-Summers, M., Moore, P., Chrisman, A., Haff, N., Naeem, A., March, J., and Franklin, M. (2011). Still Struggling: Characteristics of Youth with OCD who are Partial Responders to Medication Treatment. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 42(4), 424-441.
Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Augmentation of Pharmacotherapy in Pediatric OCD: The POTS II Randomized, Controlled Trial
Franklin, M.E., Sapyta, J., Freeman, J.B., Khanna, M., Compton, S., Almirall, D., Moore, P., Choate-Summers, M., Garcia, A., Edson, A.L., Foa, E.B., March, J.S. (2011). Cognitive-behavior therapy augmentation of pharmacotherapy in pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder: The Pediatric OCD Treatment Study II (POTS II) randomized, controlled trial. JAMA.
Maternal and Child Expressed Emotion as Predictors of Treatment Responses in Pediatric OCD
Przeworski, A., Zoellner, L.A., Franklin, M.E., Garcia, A., Freeman, J., March, J.S., & Foa, E.B. (2012). Maternal and Child Expressed Emotion as Predictors of Treatment Responses in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Child Psychiatry and Human Development.