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Kids Blowing Bubbles



Enrollment Closed

The IMPACT Study

What is the IMPACT Study?

The IMPACT study is a research program taking place at PARC. The purpose of the IMPACT Study is to test two types of delivery of an effective treatment for youth with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or anxiety. Past studies have proven exposure therapy to be an effective form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of OCD and anxiety. We are interested in learning how the setting in which a clinician delivers exposure therapy—office or home—affects treatment response for youth with OCD or anxiety. Participants in the IMPACT Study are randomly assigned to either the office group, which receives treatment at Bradley Hospital, or the home group, which primarily receives treatment at the patient's home. We hope that the results of this study will make exposure therapy more accessible to future patients.

Who can participate?

You may be eligible for IMPACT if you or your child:

  • Is 5–18 years old

  • Has symptoms of OCD and/or anxiety


Common anxiety symptoms include:

  • Feeling driven to do or repeat things over and over

  • Intense worry or fear in social situations or when separating

  • Constant worry about everyday things

  • Intense physical feelings that seem to come out of the blue

What will my child do as a part of the study?

  • Study participants will receive a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) known as exposure therapy, which is an effective treatment for OCD and anxiety

  • Eligible participants will be randomized to one of two treatment delivery conditions:

    • Weekly outpatient therapy at Bradley Hospital​

    • Weekly home-based therapy three times a month with one office-based visit a month

  • Regardless of a participant's treatment delivery condition, they will receive CBT with exposure

  • In addition to treatment, participants will take part in six assessments at different points throughout their participation in the study and will be asked to complete short questionnaires after each session, for which their time will be compensated

Office-based treatment takes place at Bradley Hospital in East Providence, RI.

Enrollment closed

IMPACT Study Timeline

Call our office at
401-432-1469 and ask about the IMPACT Study

Attend an initial evaluation

Begin weekly home-

or office-based


Complete an initial phone interview with one of our staff

Confirmation of eligibility for the study

Frequently Asked Questions

Is exposure therapy experimental?

No! Exposure is not experimental. It has been tested in numerous research trials and has been shown to be a safe and effective treatment for anxiety and OCD.


What are the costs for participating in the study?

Visits with a staff psychologist at Bradley will be billed to your insurance. Home-based visits with a mobile exposure coach are covered as part of the study. We will compensate participants for their time when they complete checkpoint assessments and weekly questionnaires.


Is the study binding?

Participation is completely voluntary! Even after clients sign the consent form, they can always change their mind and withdraw from the study at any time.


How long do I have to stay in the study?

Treatment in the IMPACT Study lasts up to 24 weeks (about six months), but participants may choose to end treatment earlier for any reason.


Where will study activity occur?

If you are assigned to the office-based treatment condition, all of your treatment sessions will take place at Bradley Hospital in East Providence, RI. If you are assigned to the home-based treatment condition, treatment will occur at your home three times per month and at Bradley Hospital once per month.

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